Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
July 20-23 2005
You can get more information about each paper by clicking on it.
A New Score for Independence Based on the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
Joaquín Abellán, Serafín Moral
Fast Algorithms for Robust Classification with Bayesian Nets
Alessandro Antonucci, Marco Zaffalon
Comparative Ignorance and the Ellsberg Phenomenon
Horacio Arlo-Costa, Jeffrey Helzner
Comparing Methods for Joint Objective and Subjective Uncertainty Propagation with an example in a risk assessment
Cédric Baudrit, Didier Dubois
Possibilistic networks with locally weighted knowledge bases
Salem Benferhat, Salma Smaoui
Electric Company Portfolio Optimization Under Interval Stochastic Dominance Constraints
Dan Berleant, Mathieu Dancre, Jean-Philippe Argaud, Gerald Sheble
Some theoretical properties of interval-valued conditional probability assessments
Veronica Biazzo, Angelo Gilio
On eventwise aggregation of coherent lower probabilities
Andrew Bronevich
Computing Lower and Upper Expectations under Epistemic Independence
Cassio Campos, Fabio Cozman
Application of a hill-climbing algorithm to exact and approximate inference in credal networks
Andrés Cano, Manuel Gómez, Serafín Moral
Configurations of Locally Strong Coherence in the Presence of Conditional Exchangeability (the case of cardinality k <= 3)
Andrea Capotorti
Likelihood-Based Statistical Decisions
Marco Cattaneo
Answers to Two Questions of Fishburn on Subset Comparisons in Comparative Probability Orderings
Robin Christian, Arkadii Slinko
Learning from multinomial data: a nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
Frank Coolen, Thomas Augustin
Evidential modeling for pose estimation
Fabio Cuzzolin, Ruggero Frezza
n-Monotone lower previsions and lower integrals
Gert De Cooman, Matthias Troffaes, Enrique Miranda
S-Independence and S-Conditional independence with respect to Upper and Lower Conditional Probabilities Assigned by Hausdorff Outer and Inner Measures
Serena Doria
Computing the Join Range of a Set of Expectations
Charles Geyer, Radu Lazar, Glen Meeden
Basing Probabilistic Logic on Gambles
Peter Gillett, Richard Scherl, Glenn Shafer
Objective Imprecise Probabilistic Information, Second Order Beliefs and Ambiguity Aversion: an Axiomatization
Raphaël Giraud
Towards a Unifying Theory of Logical and Probabilistic Reasoning
Rolf Haenni
Dynamically Consistent Updating of MaxMin EU and MaxMax EU Preferences
Eran Hanany, Peter Klibanoff
Approximate Inference in Credal Networks by Variational Mean Field Methods
Jaime Ide, Fabio Cozman
A Granular Semantics for Fuzzy Measures and its Application to Climate Change Scenarios
Jonathan Lawry, Jim Hall, Guangtao Fu
Decision Making with Imprecise and Fuzzy Probabilities - a Comparison
Sven-Hendrik Lossin
Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in nmproblog
Thomas Lukasiewicz
On Coherent Variability Measures and Conditioning
Sebastian Maass
On the Existence of Extremal Cones and Comparative Probability Orderings
Simon Marshall
Bayesianism Without Priors, Acts Without Consequences
Robert Nau
Envelope Theorems and Dilation with Convex Conditional Previsions
Renato Pelessoni, Paolo Vicig
Limits of Learning from Imperfect Observations under Prior Ignorance: the Case of the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
Alberto Piatti, Marco Zaffalon, Fabio Trojani
Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families
Erik Quaeghebeur, Gert De Cooman
Estimation of Chaotic Probabilities
Leandro Rego, Terrence Fine
No Double Counting Semantics for Conditional Independence
Prakash P. Shenoy
A Protocol for the Elicitation of Imprecise Probabilities
Alane Alves Silva, Fernando Campello de Souza
Generalized Conditioning in Neighbourhood Models
Damjan Škulj
Ordinal Subjective Foundations for Finite-domain Probability Agreement
Paul Snow
Variable Selection in Classification Trees Based on Imprecise Probabilities
Carolin Strobl
Powerful algorithms for decision making under partial prior information and general ambiguity attitudes
Lev Utkin, Thomas Augustin
Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model
Lev Utkin, Thomas Augustin
The role of coherence for the integration of different sources
Barbara Vantaggi
On an Interval-Valued Solution of the Marginal Problem
Jirina Vejnarova, Radim Jirousek, Vladislav Bína
Maximal Number of Vertices of Polytopes Defined by F-Probabilities
Anton Wallner
The Logical Concept of Probability and Statistical Inference
Kurt Weichselberger
Conservative Rules for Predictive Inference with Incomplete Data
Marco Zaffalon
Arithmetic on random variables: squeezing the envelopes with new joint distribution constraints
Jianzhong Zhang, Dan Berleant