Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
July 20-23 2005
- A New Score for Independence Based on the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
- Joaquín Abellán, Serafín Moral
- Fast Algorithms for Robust Classification with Bayesian Nets
- Alessandro Antonucci, Marco Zaffalon
- Comparative Ignorance and the Ellsberg Phenomenon
- Horacio Arlo-Costa, Jeffrey Helzner
- Comparing Methods for Joint Objective and Subjective Uncertainty Propagation with an example in a risk assessment
- Cédric Baudrit, Didier Dubois
- Possibilistic networks with locally weighted knowledge bases
- Salem Benferhat, Salma Smaoui
- Electric Company Portfolio Optimization Under Interval Stochastic Dominance Constraints
- Dan Berleant, Mathieu Dancre, Jean-Philippe Argaud, Gerald Sheble
- Some theoretical properties of interval-valued conditional probability assessments
- Veronica Biazzo, Angelo Gilio
- On eventwise aggregation of coherent lower probabilities
- Andrew Bronevich
- Computing Lower and Upper Expectations under Epistemic Independence
- Cassio Campos, Fabio Cozman
- Application of a hill-climbing algorithm to exact and approximate inference in credal networks
- Andrés Cano, Manuel Gómez, Serafín Moral
- Configurations of Locally Strong Coherence in the Presence of Conditional Exchangeability (the case of cardinality k <= 3)
- Andrea Capotorti
- Likelihood-Based Statistical Decisions
- Marco Cattaneo
- Answers to Two Questions of Fishburn on Subset Comparisons in Comparative Probability Orderings
- Robin Christian, Arkadii Slinko
- Learning from multinomial data: a nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
- Frank Coolen, Thomas Augustin
- Evidential modeling for pose estimation
- Fabio Cuzzolin, Ruggero Frezza
- n-Monotone lower previsions and lower integrals
- Gert De Cooman, Matthias Troffaes, Enrique Miranda
- S-Independence and S-Conditional independence with respect to Upper and Lower Conditional Probabilities Assigned by Hausdorff Outer and Inner Measures
- Serena Doria
- Computing the Join Range of a Set of Expectations
- Charles Geyer, Radu Lazar, Glen Meeden
- Basing Probabilistic Logic on Gambles
- Peter Gillett, Richard Scherl, Glenn Shafer
- Objective Imprecise Probabilistic Information, Second Order Beliefs and Ambiguity Aversion: an Axiomatization
- Raphaël Giraud
- Towards a Unifying Theory of Logical and Probabilistic Reasoning
- Rolf Haenni
- Dynamically Consistent Updating of MaxMin EU and MaxMax EU Preferences
- Eran Hanany, Peter Klibanoff
- Approximate Inference in Credal Networks by Variational Mean Field Methods
- Jaime Ide, Fabio Cozman
- A Granular Semantics for Fuzzy Measures and its Application to Climate Change Scenarios
- Jonathan Lawry, Jim Hall, Guangtao Fu
- Decision Making with Imprecise and Fuzzy Probabilities - a Comparison
- Sven-Hendrik Lossin
- Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in nmproblog
- Thomas Lukasiewicz
- On Coherent Variability Measures and Conditioning
- Sebastian Maass
- On the Existence of Extremal Cones and Comparative Probability Orderings
- Simon Marshall
- Bayesianism Without Priors, Acts Without Consequences
- Robert Nau
- Envelope Theorems and Dilation with Convex Conditional Previsions
- Renato Pelessoni, Paolo Vicig
- Limits of Learning from Imperfect Observations under Prior Ignorance: the Case of the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
- Alberto Piatti, Marco Zaffalon, Fabio Trojani
- Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families
- Erik Quaeghebeur, Gert De Cooman
- Estimation of Chaotic Probabilities
- Leandro Rego, Terrence Fine
- No Double Counting Semantics for Conditional Independence
- Prakash P. Shenoy
- A Protocol for the Elicitation of Imprecise Probabilities
- Alane Alves Silva, Fernando Campello de Souza
- Generalized Conditioning in Neighbourhood Models
- Damjan Škulj
- Ordinal Subjective Foundations for Finite-domain Probability Agreement
- Paul Snow
- Variable Selection in Classification Trees Based on Imprecise Probabilities
- Carolin Strobl
- Powerful algorithms for decision making under partial prior information and general ambiguity attitudes
- Lev Utkin, Thomas Augustin
- Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model
- Lev Utkin, Thomas Augustin
- The role of coherence for the integration of different sources
- Barbara Vantaggi
- On an Interval-Valued Solution of the Marginal Problem
- Jirina Vejnarova, Radim Jirousek, Vladislav Bína
- Maximal Number of Vertices of Polytopes Defined by F-Probabilities
- Anton Wallner
- The Logical Concept of Probability and Statistical Inference
- Kurt Weichselberger
- Conservative Rules for Predictive Inference with Incomplete Data
- Marco Zaffalon
- Arithmetic on random variables: squeezing the envelopes with new joint distribution constraints
- Jianzhong Zhang, Dan Berleant
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Page created june 2nd 2005,
last updated June 2nd 2005.
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